Yay!! Patty from Colours Dekor passed on "The Versatile Blogger" Award to me. I am so happy :) Thank you so much Patty!
Rules of this award are -
Here are 7 random facts about me -
Happy Wednesday!! Its mid week already!! Yay!!
reade more...
Rules of this award are -
- Thank the person who awarded you & link back to them in your post.
- Tell 7 random facts about yourself.
- Pass the award on to 15 new found bloggers.
- Contact each blogger you want to pass this award on to and let them know you’ve done so.
Here are 7 random facts about me -
- I love peanuts and anything with them - peanut chutney being my favourite.
- I love soda when the fizz has gone out! (I know what's the point of soda then, but that's the way I like it)
- Cadbury's Roast Almond chocolate... is my all time favourite . It works as the perfect bribe if someone wants something from me.
- I don't like lizards... have a nagging fear that one will drop on me.
- I make lists - in my head, on paper. But not just that I make rough drafts of lists and then fair ones (I know, my friends laugh at me for that, you can do that too!)
- I cannot do just one thing at a time - the TV has to be on, the laptop open and a book too! Or the phone will do.
- I bite my nails when I am tense or excited (like in the cricket world cup finals).
Happy Wednesday!! Its mid week already!! Yay!!