

Aaloo tikki, Wii Sports and a sick child

Thanks to the All-India bandh the 2 day weekend converted into a long weekend!

S being a work-a-holic was all set to go to work today. He had a bath and was getting ready, when after being pestered by me for the zillionth time he called up a colleague. And got to know that the official holiday was declared 2 nights back - he missed getting an email! So the pleasure of an unexpected day off was very visible on S's face. I took complete credit for it!

N's playschool was closed too. The skies were cloudy with a little smattering of rain so I decided to make some Aaloo tikkis for a hearty breakfast; not exactly very healthy though. I did not deep fry them to balance the health factor. Just shallow fried them on a tawa.
My sister made some fresh and yummy coriander & mint chutney (she is here to spend some time with N). I toasted some bread and voila!!

One more picture from another angle.

Sadly N wasn't allowed the ketchup or too much of the tikki. He started the day with a running nose and some fever. The poor kid's voice was all nasal and he was cranky for most part of the time that he was awake :(  So after a dose of medicine he decided to take a nap.

S meanwhile decided to open up his birthday gift and get some action. He got a Wii Sports from me. It includes tennis, baseball, bowling, boxing and golf. It is one of those games where you imitate the actual action of the sport. Say, if you are bowling you have to mimic throwing of the ball with the Wii remote tied to your hand. It gives you some exercise, if not too much.  

S played it non stop for an hour and by the end of it there were beads of sweat on his forehead. He looked at me accusingly and said "Now I know why you gave me this!"
My secret mission was to make sure he exercised a little; especially since he was too lazy to go the gym ;)

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