Eeeeeks, happy Thursday! :) It's time for sharing a few photos I've been taking with my phone during the last weeks. :) As you can see above, I went fabric shopping at
Frau Tulpe, one of my favourite fabric stores. <3 On the second photo you can see my
Indie Biz 2.0 folder, I read it again and found this page where I was trying to find a name for my little business. :))) I took a photo of a pretty house in Berlin and as always, one of Mogli. :) When we were ou for a walk, I saw this pretty, blue garden house. I'd love to have a garden with a house like this... Last week, lovely
Sammy sent me this pretty spool necklace, I love it! :)
Flo and I spent an afternoon in a shopping center and I got some awesome belaled birthday presents from my beloved friend
Hanna who has been visiting us for a few days. <3 When she's around (like it's with most of our other close friends, too), it's always like a little family meeting. <3 On Thursday,
Anja and I often meet for cooking and a TV evening and last Thursday, we, Flo and Hanna were having lots of deliciois hors d'oeuvres, like dried tomatoes, hard cheese, fresh baguettes and different kinds of curd cheese. :)
My mother brougt us lots of organic seeds for vegetables and flowers and Flo and I are trying to grow them for our balcony. It's so much fun seeing how the tiny seeds are turning into little plants... :) As you can see, I took a photo of my wardrobe. In the past few months I've been collecting sooo many dresses, I hardly ever wear a pair of blue jeans anymore. :) And I bought fresh tulips to get a little bit of spring feelin. :)
Last weekend we went on a little trip to visit our friends in Bremen. They were moving from one apartment to another and we came to help and to celebrate our friend's birthday. We had really lovely weather with lots of sunshine and were happy about some time in the sun after all the hard work. :)
Jenny and I went out for a walk and met the boys in a beer garden. It felt a little bit like spring. :)
They also showed us some sights and of course we visited the famous town musicians (they are from a German fairy tale, a cock standing on a cat which is standing on a dog which is standing on a donkey... :)) and took some tourist photos. :) I think Bremen is really pretty, especially the old part of the town. On the last day of our visit, Jenny and I went shopping to reward ourselves for the strenuous weekend of carrying cardboard handles, moving furniture, unpacking belongings from boxes and preparing food. It was lots of fun, but we were sooo tired and felt that we needed a second weekend to recover from the actual one. :)
The weird thing about those weekends with friends is that when we say good-bye, on the one hand, I'm always looking forward to being alone at home, but on the other hand, it makes me sad because most of our close friends live in other parts of Germany and we do not see each other evey weekend and it's always hard to say goodbye. The hardest goodbye was just a few weeks ago when nearly all of our friends were here for celebrating New Year's Eve together and we had to say goodbye to all of them at once.
Are you a lucky one who has all the most important people around? :)
Have you ever been to Bremen? What have you been doing last weekend? :)
Lu :)
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