

My new dress for my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary.

Dress, yellow bag, feather ring: H&M
Wedges: spm
Necklace: flea market treasure
Cameo ring: vintage // family heirloom

Time for a new outfit post, my dear readers! :)
Last weekend, Flo and I went to a huge family party, because my grandparents were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary (wow!). In Germany, that's also called Diamond Wedding. :) The weekend was perfect, we had awesome weather, soooo much to eat, quality time with my family, taking lots of photos and I had a lovely occasion to wear my new lace dress, I love it!
Wish you a lovely weekend! :)

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Favorite Blogs: Interview with Vivi of matz ab.

Dear readers, today I want to share an interview with the lovely Vivi of matz ab.! :) Vivi and I got to know each other a few months ago when she became a reader of my blog and regularly left thoughful comments and thus, I discovered her blog, too, and we started writing regularly. :) Since then, we exchanged many e-mails and even met each other in person, we had a super afternoon! :)
I love Vivi's blog a lot, I visit it on a daily basis and her blog's content and style have rapidly developed during the past few months. She posts about things she likes, shares inspiration, works on pretty DIY posts and shares the most delicious and appealing recipes and that's why her blog has become one of my favourites! :) 
So now you can also get to know her a little bit better. :) 

(P.S.: You can also find an interview with me (in German) on her blog today, go and check it out!! :))


1.   Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging shortly after I discovered the first blog of that kind on Facebook (Klitzeklein). I did not know that those kind of blogs actually existed and I was immediately fascinated by the idea. Because I love writing and taking photos (relating to my studies, job and future profession), I thought it would also be a great idea for me to combine both of it and even to have fun in doing so. Besides, I moved out from home more than a year ago and moved to my boyfriend. I discovered the joy of personalizing our apartment and of preparing yummy meals for us.

Ich habe angefangen zu bloggen, kurz nachdem ich über Facebook auf den ersten Blog dieser Art gestoßen bin (Klitzeklein). Ich kannte solche Blogs bis dahin noch gar nicht und war sofort fasziniert und sehr angetan von der Idee. Weil ich selbst gerne schreibe und Fotos mache (siehe Studium, Jobs und zukünftiger Beruf), dachte ich, das wäre auch für mich eine tolle Idee beides miteinander zu kombinieren und Spaß dabei zu haben. Außerdem bin ich vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr von zu Hause ausgezogen und ich habe große Freude darin entdeckt die eigenen vier Wände zu gestalten und für mich und meinen Freund etwas Leckeres zu kochen.
2. How would you briefly describe yourself and your style?

Full of life, colorful, creative and with relish: matzab. is me and I am matz ab.! :-)

Lebensfroh, bunt, kreativ und genießerisch: matzab. bin ich und ich bin matzab.! :-)

3.   What is special about you and your style? What makes you unique?

I think what is special about my blog is that I created or cooked many things I am presenting there for the first time. And this is also very exciting to me. I am not a professional cook or designer, I work on everything piece by piece for each post.
Besides, I like to document everything with photos which do not have a snapshot character, but I try to put everything perfectly into focus. There is nothing that puts me more off with a blog than dark, wiggly and fuzzy photos that show that the photographer did not give thought to it.
Behind each and every of my postings there is of course lots of effort and devotion. It takes me lots of hours to complete only one posting, because to me there is nothing more boring than reading an unsubstantial “snapshot posting”. With every posting I try to show and tell my readers something interesting - even if that means that I cannot release one every day.

Ich glaube, das Besondere an meinem Blog ist, dass ich vieles, was ich dort präsentiere, selbst zum ersten Mal gemacht habe. Und das ist auch gerade für mich selbst das Spannende. Ich bin keine Profi-Köchin und keine Profi-Gestalterin, ich erarbeite mir (fast) alles Stück für Stück für jeden Eintrag neu. Außerdem dokumentiere ich das alles gerne mit Fotos, die nicht diesen Schnappschuss-Charakter haben, sondern versuche immer alles schön in Szene zu setzen. Mich schreckt bei einem Blogs nichts mehr ab als dunkle, verwackelte, unscharfe Bilder bei denen sich der Fotograf keinerlei Gedanken gemacht hat. In jedem meiner Einträge steckt natürlich viel Mühe und Hingabe. Ich sitze oft stundenlang an einem Eintrag. Denn ich finde nichts langweiliger als einen inhaltslosen „Schnellschuss-Post“. Ich versuche mit jedem Post dem Leser etwas Interessantes zu zeigen und zu erzählen - auch wenn das dann bedeutet, dass ich nicht täglich etwas veröffentlichen kann.

4.   What is the best thing you have ever made / created / sewed / cooked / …? Please tell me about it and share a link!

My homemade peanut butter cups which Ina from „Cityglamblog“ even presented on her blog, my ChocolateChip Cookies American style, my self-designed breadbox  and my self-made wreath with felt-button-flowers.

Die selbstgemachten Peanut Butter Cups, die Ina sogar in ihrem „Cityglamblog“ vorgestellt hatte, die amerikanischenChocolate Chip Cookies, mein selbstgestalteter Brotkastenund mein Türkranz.

5.   Concerning the creative part of your life, what is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

I think this really was the moment when I decided to create matz ab.. Since then, I have constantly been creative, always looking for inspiration and ideas and trying to realize them.

Ich glaube, das ist wirklich der Moment gewesen, als ich mich entschieden habe matz ab. ins Leben zu rufen. Seitdem bin ich konstant kreativ, suche ständig nach Inspirationen und Ideen und versuche sie umzusetzen.

6.   Who and/ or what inspires you?

Of course I do read lots of magazines and blogs and comb through the Internet, looking for new ideas and inspiration that I can use to create something in my own style. Besides, I spend lots of time in hobby shops and shops where you can buy home décor. I get my ideas before I fall asleep or when I wake up and still lie in bed. I have a little book in which I write down everything that comes to my mind in headwords. Because that‘s it: You find inspiration in everything, don‘t you? Inspiration appears like a sudden brainstorm - you see something and you already are inspired to create something out of it. This may be colored paper, a small jar (in which you bought your pudding) or Grandma‘s old picture frames.

Natürlich lese ich viele Zeitschriften und Blogs und durchforste generell das Internet nach neuen Ideen und Inspirationen, die ich dann für mich abwandeln kann. Außerdem halte ich mich gerne in Bastel- oder Dekoläden auf. Die Ideen kommen mir oft vor dem Einschlafen oder wenn ich aufwache und noch im Bett liege. Ich habe ein kleines Büchlein, in das ich in Stichpunkten alles eintrage, was mir so in den Sinn kommt. Denn das ist es nämlich: Eigentlich findet man doch in allem Inspiration, oder nicht!? Inspiration kommt wie ein Geistesblitz - man sieht etwas und schon ist man inspiriert daraus etwas zu machen. Sei das buntes Papier, ein Puddinggläschen oder Omas alte Bilderrahmen.

7.   Please name 5 of your favorite blogs to share them with my readers and briefly tell me why you like them and what makes them worth reading. 

There is of course Stef with her blog magnoliaelectric. She has such a romantic, open and relaxed way to walk through life (at least that is what she shows with her postings) and that is what inspires me. Besides, her postings are all just amazing, her style is brilliant.
And then there is Nadine and her blog dreierlei liebelei. I follow her blog since I know that those kinds of blogs exist. Nadine‘s recipes are all fabulous and I tried out almost all of them. I love her arrangements and photos.
Of course I am also a huge fan of Elsie and her blog A Beautiful Mess. I am absolutely fascinated by the fact that there are so many ideas bubbling out of a single person (sometimes her sister Emma supports her).
Rebecca and her blog Verlockendes should also be included on my list. Her ideas and theme parties are just unbelievable and she creates everything with so much love and devotion. Besides, she is also a Paris fan!
Last but not least, I also want to mention Nicest Things by Vera. Everything about her postings appeals to me - the topics, the photos, the ideas. And I would love to move into her apartment! :-)
And of course your blog, dear Lu, is one of the blogs I read regularly and with great pleasure!

Da ist natürlich Stef mit ihrem Blog magnoliaelectric. Sie hat so eine romantische, offene und entspannte Art und Weise durch das Leben zu gehen (jedenfalls zeigt sie das so in ihren Einträgen) und das begeistert mich sehr. Außerdem sind ihre Einträge einfach alle der Wahnsinn, ihr Stil ist großartig.
Dann wäre da noch Nadine und ihr Blog dreierlei liebelei. Ihrem Blog folge ich bereits seitdem ich weiß, dass es eben solche Blogs gibt. Nadines Rezepte sind alle fabelhaft und ich habe sie fast alle bereits nachgekocht. Außerdem finde ich ihre Arrangements und Fotos großartig.
Natürlich bin ich auch ein großer Fan von Elsie und ihrem Blog A Beautiful Mess. Ich finde es einfach faszinierend, dass aus einem Menschen (manchmal wird sie ja von Schwester Emma unterstützt) täglich so viele Ideen sprudeln.
In der Liste darf natürlich auch nicht Rebecca mit ihrem Blog Verlockendes fehlen. Ihre Ideen und Motto-Parties sind einfach unglaublich und sie gestaltet alles mit einer solchen Liebe und Hingabe. Außerdem ist sie auch ein Paris-Fan!
Last but not least möchte ich noch Nicest Things von Vera nennen. Mich spricht bei ihren Postings alles an - die Themen, die Fotos, die Ideen. Und ich möchte am liebsten in ihre Wohnung einziehen! :-)
Und natürlich ist Dein Blog, liebe Lu, auch einer der Blogs, die ich regelmäßig und mit großer Freude lese! 

8.   Please share links to 3 of your favorite DIY ideas/ projects.

I have been wanting to learn how to crochet for several months and I want to buy this awesome Zpagetti yarn to be able to create this what Julia of Ein Stück vom Glück already demonstrated. I like the idea and the color of the yarn very much.
This project here I am soon going to realize for our kitchen. How cute this IKEA hanging lamp looks with its adornment!
Elsie‘s project on A Beautiful Mess to create modernart with paint swatches also fascinated me and I already used her idea for my project I also presented on my blog.

Seit Monaten schon möchte ich Häkeln lernen und mir dieses supertolle Zpagetti-Garn kaufen, um genau das hier nachmachen zu können, was Julia bei Ein Stück vom Glück vorgemacht hat. Ich finde die Idee und die Farbe des Garns ganz wundervoll.
Dieses Projekt hierwerde ich bald für unsere Küche umsetzen. Wie süß diese IKEA-Lampe einfach nach der Verschönerung aussieht!
Elsies Projekt bei A Beautiful Mess mit Farbkarten vom Baumarkt ein modernes Bild zugestaltenhat mich auch total begeistert, sodass ich es bereits nachgemacht und auf meinem Blog präsentiert habe.
9.   Is there anything really important you‘ve learned through blogging and do you have any useful advice for other bloggers?

Yes! First that you should not have doubts about yourself and that you should just have the courage to realize your ideas. But I have also learned that you make yourself vulnerable when you have a blog on the Internet. There are always people who are envious of you, but you should ignore them and focus on the fact that you have a lovely and loyal readership for which you are doing all of this!

Ja! Zum Einen, dass man nicht zu viel an sich selbst zweifeln und sich einfach trauen sollte. Zum Anderen aber habe ich auch gelernt, dass man sich durch einen Blog im Internet angreifbar macht. Es gibt immer Neider. Aber die sollte man ignorieren und sich darauf besinnen, dass man eine liebe, treue Leserschaft hat für die man schließlich auch das alles hier macht!

10.     What is your biggest dream / most important goal you want to achieve?

I differentiate between my biggest dream and my most important goal, I think. 
I do, of course, dream of a beautiful house by the sea, with a light-colored interior in which I live with my sweetheart (unfortunately I did not find a proper translation for the German word „Herzmann“ which - to me - sounds less cheesy) and my two kids (probably) and earning my money as a writer.
But the realist in me says that my real goal is to find a great job after I finished my studies, to live in a beautiful, light-colored apartment in Northern Germany with my - here we go again - sweetheart and a cat and to start a family sooooomeday. :-)

Traum und Ziel unterscheiden sich bei mir, glaube ich. Ich träume natürlich von einem schönen Häuschen am Meer, mit einer hellen Inneneinrichtung, in dem ich mit meinem Herzmann und zwei Kindern lebe und mein Geld als Autorin verdiene. Die Realistin in mir sagt aber, dass es mein tatsächliches Ziel ist einen tollen Job nach dem Studium zu finden, in einer schönen, hellen Wohnung in Norddeutschland mit meinem Herzmann und einer Katze zu leben und iiiiiirgendwann eine Familie zu gründen. :-) 


Thank you so much for answering my questions, lovely Vivi! I hope we'll see each other again very soon!

I hope after looking at all those awesome photos your mouth is watering as much as mine! ;) Go and visit Vivi's blog and say hello! :)

(All photos in this post belong to Matz ab.)
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New items in my shop.

Hello! :) I recently made a few new products for my shop and I also listed this Mr. Moustache pillow and bag. :) I still love everything with a moustache and I love pink a lot. :)
Happy Thursday! :)
Lu :)

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What happened recently.

1. & 2. Making raspberry-strawberry jam. // 3. Playing Mogli's favourite game. :) // 4. Getting dresses for an afternoon at the flea market in Berlin. // 5. & 6. Froyo with Kathleen. <3
1. - 4. Perfect afternoon on the flea market. :) // 5. We found a skirt with this breathtaking fabric and I took it home. <3 // 6. "Nice weather."
1. Berlin's TV tower. // 2."Shop yourself happy." // 3. & 4. Exploring Berlin's backyards. // 5. Dinner. // 6. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you! :)
1. Pretty cafe in Berlin. // 2- Flo taking tons of outfit photos of me. <3 // 3. I received the best swap package ever - thank you again, Eni! <3 // 4. Time to go to bed! // 5. And again, the latest issue of COUCH saved my morning at university. :) // 6. Soccer fever.
1. Homemade jam. // 2. Working on a few new items for my shop. // 3. Rice pudding with raspberries and jam. // 4. - 6. My new favourite dress and a handmade bow belt. :)

I hope you're having a good time, too! :)
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Pizza night!!!

I remember when I was a kid, pizza nights used to be a biggie.
My mom would make the crust at home or get a fresh one from the baker. She would then chop all the veggies - the greens, reds and yellows and prepare the sauce. Me and my sister would be called on to help putting things together - we used to spoon on the sauce on the base, then top our own pizzas with loads of veggies we liked and some of the ones we didn't ;) with shredded cheese on the top! Then that pizza would go into the round electric ovens common in those days. Ah! the aroma of a fresh baked pizza with melting cheese on top just out of the oven is mesmerizing and stays in the memory for ages!!

One weeknight is dedicated to pizzas or pastas at home now. N loves to help when I make pizza and that makes it even more fun (or more work, lol). So one day last week, we made veggie pizzas with a homemade tomato basil sauce.

The veggies we used were green bell peppers, broccoli, onions and tomatoes. And we topped it with some shredded mozzarella.

N helped me assemble the pizzas by putting the veggies and cheese after I had applied the sauce on the store-brought base.

I would love to make my own base too once I am settled in the new apartment and have my yeast/bread baking stuff all set and ready to use. And I would like to try this No-Rise Pizza Crust from Seems like an easy breezy recipe :)

Here is the pizza after it came out of the oven!

This one says it all with the way N is looking at the pizza!! :)

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Old GDR Cameras from my grandparent's attic.

Hello! :) I hope you were having a nice weekend! :)
Flo and I went to a family party, because my grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary and the whole family came together! :) We had a super lovely weekend, time passed by way too fast, we ate a lot and spent lots of time outside.
Lucky me: my grandparents still had some old cameras made in the German Democratic Republic which they stored on their attic, my little cousin got one of them and I got the others. <3 I'm in camera heaven!!! :) I love everything vintage and those cameras are an amazing treasure!!
This one is an old Ercona 2 camera, made in the GDR around 1956. It's a medium format camera for roll films with a picture size of 6x6 and was made in Dresden. Can't wait to try it out and to see if it still works. Too bad that the rolls of film are so expensive, but this camera is sooo special and is even more beautiful when displayed in a pretty way.
My grandma also had one of those old agfamatic 5008 macro pocket camera which have been produced since 1977. Too bad that I can't use it anymore, but it's also perfect for decor purposes.
This one is my favourite: my new Praktica 4 camera. Those cameras have been produced between 1960 and 1964 with quantity of only about 30500 units and were made by Pentacon in the GDR. This camera belongs to the first generation of Praktica cameras and is a single-lens reflex camera with a picture format of 24x36mm and can be used with normal films which are available everywhere. Luckily, I found an old manual on the Internet and even took a few photos today, can't wait to get them developed and to see if it has worked. :)
Last but not least, I got this super big Sigma Macrotel lens.
Wow, I still can't believe that I got all those amazing vintage treasures, the cameras are awesome, not to forget the pretty, brown leather cases. I love those, I wish I had such a case for my digital SLR. :)
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Happy Sunday!

I love Sundays! They are my favourite day of the week! Sleeping in, having a good breakfast or healthy brunch, time for relaxing and crafty projects. :)
I took those photos of our Sunday brunch a few weeks ago and while you are reading this, I'm perhaps just sitting at the breakfast table again, enjoying this Sunday. :)
Wish you a lovely rest of the weekend!
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New items on my shop: handmade summer bags.

Heyy, happy weekend! :) I recently sewed a few new bags, you can find them in my DaWanda shop. :) I love all the colors and fabrics that I chose, they make me want to go to the seaside or have a picnic in a cornfield. :) Which bag is your favourite? :)
Enjoy your Saturday,
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Favorite Blogs: Interview with Stef of Magnoliaelectric.

Hi everyone! Last week I started a new category in which I introduce one of my favourite blogs in an interview with the lovely person who writes the blog every Friday. :) This week, this post is all about wonderful Stef of Magnoliaelectric. We got to know each other through our blogs and soon became online friends and this summer, we are going to get to know each other, can't wait! :) In case you don't know her blog, yet, it's full of bright, super aesthetic photos, delicious recipes, stories of abandoned places and lots of eye candy. Now you can read yourself what it's all about and can get to know Stef a little better. :)


1.     Please introduce yourself. :)
Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Stef, I am 20&something years old and I live in Austria, Europe. I study in Vienna and I will become a teacher next year. I love everything that's pretty & I adore cute, feminine stuff. I like books, photography, cakes, music, travelling, dancing & doing artistic stuff.  -  My blog magnoliaelectric is about my passion for beautiful, mostly handmade things, lifelifelife and my way to make it a little bit special.
2.     Why did you start blogging?
In September 2010 I just came back from an unbelievable summer at the seaside and from a tour through Germany and I wanted to show my pictures somewhere, so I reactivated my blog magnoliaelectric which I had started out of boredom in 2009.
3.     How would you briefly describe yourself and your style?
Finally there – I guess these are the right words. I am a person who has tried out a lot of styles and I think that I am now myself. I like wearing dresses; I don’t have anything against trousers, though. But dresses fit me better and I do not only love the simplicity, but I also love that you wear something special as soon as you wear a dress. I like everything that’s fitted and loose – my style is playful, sometimes more casual with a hat.

4.     What is special about you and your style? What makes you unique?
Maybe it’s really something special – not unique – that I own two pants only which I wear sometimes (PS: nearly never). Apart from that, I only have dresses and skirts in which I feel comfortable. And Stef – I – is always combined with a lion’s mane. Curls and long hair, yes.
5.     What is the best thing you have ever made / created / sewed / cooked / …? Please tell me about your best project it and share a link!
Mh, there are a lot of yummy things which I have tried so far. A recipe which has become one of my favourite cakes is the cherrypie - but maybe it's not the best thing. I can't make a decision, sorry.
6.     Concerning the creative part of your life, what is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
I think the blog-thing is a big part of it because it has opened so many doors for me. I was able to publish a recipe in a book, a series of pictures in a magazine and I got to know a lot of awesome people.
7.     Who and / or what inspires you? Where do you get your inspiration from and how does your inspirational process look like?
Pure life! Dropping ice cream on the asphalt, blurring moments of summer on the hot street, music, books, museums and exhibitions. Blogs, of course, and some magazines. I have a series on my blog which is called “how to stay inspired/creative”. Here you can get more information on this topic: Here you can get more information on this topic - it’s in German, though.
8.     How do you organize blogging? Do you always prepare your posts in advance or do you rather spontaneously post about what comes to your mind?
It depends. I usually plan 2 – 3 beforehand. Because of my regular features, such as YummY FridaY, abandoned places or what-I-wore, I always have a basic idea which I then just have to full in. If I have to learn or work a lot, I blog beforehand for the whole time period and then I only have to activate the posts. If I have time in between, there are spontaneous posts, too.
9.     Please name three of your favorite blogs to share them with my readers and briefly tell me why you like them and what makes them worth reading.
Squeaky Swing - Stefanie and I do not only share the same name, but also our love for creativity. I like her blog really much, because she shows personality, she stays true to herself and her DIYs are amazing!
Delightfully Tacky - An international blog on this list. I like Elisabeth’s blog really much, because her outfit posts inspire me and are always beautifully composed.
Gedankeninvasion - This is the blog of my brother and his girlfriend, so I’m pretty much supposed to like it, aren’t I? But I love it, because they also show adventures in abandoned places and I can see how they record the buildings.
10.  Please share links to three of your favorite DIY ideas or projects (not your own ones :)).
This sweater!
These Terrarium-Placeholders.
These polaroid magnets.
11.  Is there anything really important you‘ve learned through blogging and do you have any useful advice for other bloggers?
Always stay true to yourself, even when there are comments which make you doubt yourself. This is the most important thing. Do what you are good at and practice what you want to be good at. Allow yourself to make mistakes, take criticism in a good way and enrich others with your opinions. 
12.  What is your biggest dream or most important goal you want to achieve?
In my life? In the end, I want to be able to say that I have lived through everything that I wanted, that I made my dreams come true, maybe that a book carries my name, maybe that I have brought up children, maybe that I have published a series of pictures in a huge way. Whatever it might be, I want to be proud of myself and satisfied with myself.
Thank you, Lu, for choosing me for this series – one of the best parts about blogging is finding friends like you.


Dear Stef, thank you so much for answering those questions! Can't wait to meet you in summer! <3

(All photos in this post belong to Magnoliaelectric!)
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Happy Birthday, Hanna!!

Happy, happy birthday, dear Hanna, may you have an absolutely awesome day!!!! Although we cannot see each other today (damn long distance friendships ;)), I hope your day is special and our package arrives on time! <3

Dear readers, today's my friend Hanna's birthday, we have known each other since 9th grade when we became best friends! Since we finished school, we haven't been living in the same area anymore and we can only spend weekends together, but this long distance makes the time we spend with each other more special.
Can't wait to see you in July, enjoy your birthday!!! <3
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