

Healthy and Yummy Starters (India Network)

Spinach (palak) is one of the high nutritional leafy vegetable. It has in it Vitamin A - 52%, Folate (Vit B9) - 49%, Vit C - 47%, Vit E - 13%,Vitamin K - 460%,Calcium - 10%,Iron - 22% . Spinach is very healthy vegetable but children like him less. To convince your children you can always show them video of a famous character "Popeye, the sailor" In the serial, to regain the energy the character Popeye used to have the raw Spinach (palak) which would be very difficult for your kid to have it alone. Here we give you the recipe of one of the Spinach dish that is "HARA BHAR KABAB"

Please don't go on the name it is a pure vegetarian item which can be cook fast as well as healthy, tasty and yummy starters or snack for your child.

This recipe could be easily cooked in few minutes and ready to be served instantly.
Ingredients required for cooking:

1)Boiled Spinach leaves (Palak) leaves (2 cups)
2)Boiled potatoes (5-6 piece)
3)Bread Slice (7-8)
5)Paste of Green Chilly & Ginger
6)Coriander leaves
7)Salt as per the taste
8)? tsp Garam Masala,
9)? tsp Amchur powder or Lemon (on availability)
10)? tsp Sugar


1)Boil Spinach (palak)and remove all the water and make the paste.
2)Boil potatoes and smash it
3)Grind the bread in mixture
4)In one bowl, mix Spinach, palak, potatoes then
5)Then add all the masala, like paste of green chilly & ginger, salt , gram Masala, Amchur powder & sugar.
6)Mix all the items slowly and properly.
7) Roll each kabab into small balls or the shape you want.
8)Take a deep fry pan, heat the Oil and deep fry the kabab till it become golden brown.

Healthy and yummy food is ready to serve. Do serve it with the tomato sauce,red or green chutney or with schezwan sauce to make your starter Hara Bhara Kabab more delicious.

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Avoid too much Salty food - Food tips (India Network)

Salt or sodium chloride is essential for our health, yet many of us are unknowingly consuming far more than we should. Many people avoid adding salt to food or to cooking to keep their salt intake down, however, the majority of salt (around 75%) that we consume is already present in processed food such as bread, breakfast cereals, pastries and ready meals. A high salt intake is associated with high blood pressure and heart problems. It's also linked to stomach cancer and osteoporosis.

How much salt should be in our food?
The Food Standards Agency states that adults should not consume more than 6g of salt a day. The amount recommended for children is a lot less and varies according to age (click here (opens in a new window) for more information). Salt can be listed as salt or as sodium on a product's nutritional information. A high salt content is more than 1.5g salt per 100g (or 0.6g sodium). A low salt content is 0.3g salt or less per 100g (or 0.1g sodium). Sodium is an essential nutrient required by the body for maintaining levels of fluids and for providing channels of nerve signaling. Deficiency of sodium is rare, however, can occur in people after excessive vomiting or diarrhea, in athletes who intake excessive amounts of water, or in people who regularly fast on juice and water. Over-consumption of sodium is far more common and can lead to high blood pressure which in turn leads to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. The current percent daily value for sodium is 2400mg; however, the American Heart Association recommends that people with high blood pressure eat less that 1500mg per day, or less than 3/4 of a table spoon of salt. Since sodium is required by all life to exist, it is naturally found in all foods and rarely does salt ever need to be added. Steps you can take to ensure low sodium eating include: avoiding canned foods, avoiding pickled food, choosing low sodium cheeses, and substituting herbs and other spices in place of salt.

High salt foods - bread

Manufacturers are working towards reducing salt in their bread, yet most commercial bread is still fairly high in salt. If, like many people, you have toast for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch, you could be consuming half your daily quota of salt by lunchtime based on the salt levels in some breads. For a child, this can be more than their daily recommended salt intake.

Baked beans

Baked beans are a staple of the Great British fry-up yet full of salt, which means you'll be well on your way to your daily salt ration if you have beans on toast with bacon. Many manufacturers make low salt baked beans which are a good alternative, or you could even try making your own with haricot beans and fresh tomatoes.

Soy Sauce, Other Sauces, and Salad Dressings

Soy sauce is commonly added to East Asian cooking, and now comes in low sodium varieties which are recommended, check nutrition facts of specific products for sodium content. One teaspoon of Tamari (Soy only) soy sauce contains 335mg (14% DV) and one teaspoon of Shoyu (Wheat and Soy) Soy Sauce contains 282mg of sodium (12% DV). In addition to soy sauces, be sure to check labels of most sauces and salad dressings in general, as these foods can be surprising high in sodium.

Salami, Bacon, and Cured Meats
Salt has long been used as a preservative for various meats, and so it is not surprising to find a high amount of sodium in them. One slice of bacon (8 grams) contains 194mg of sodium (8% DV), while one slice of salami (10g) contains 226mg (9% DV), and 1 large piece of beef jerky (20g) contains 443mg of sodium or 18% DV.

Curb the salt intake in your daily diet and live a healthy life. You can check out India Food Network website for more food tips and amazing recipes.

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What I Wore: Neon Colors during the Magic Hour.

Dress: asos
Cardigan: h&m
Shopping bag: hallhuber
Sandals: no name
Tassel earrings: handmade

Hello! :) Two weeks ago, during a day in Berlin, my dar friend Malin took those photos of me before sunset. We were lucky to catch the magic hour when evening light is soft and just perfect and we spent some time at the old industrial area in Berlin-Friedrichshain that I love so much.
Hoorrayyy for long summer days!
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Madkonceptet er kendt for deres velsmagende og indbydende tapas catering (John Mortan)

Det kan v?re fordi Andr? Hansen, ejer af Madkonceptet, har haft en finger med i madlavningen. Han er nemlig halv portugiser og har det sydlandske k?kken i sit blod - og med Spanien, som nabo, kan Andr? n?sten ikke undg? at blive inspireret af den spanske tapas.

Dog vil Andr? gerne forsvare Portugal overfor "storebroderen" Spanien. "Det kan godt v?re at Spanien er verdenskendt for sin tapas og paella, mens de f?rreste kan n?vne karakteristiske portugisiske madretter, men if?lge GoLisbon vil selv spaniere indr?mme at maden i Portugal er bedre. Portugals k?kken er is?r karakteriseret ved friskhed, variation og enkelthed", fort?ller Andr?. Dette kan v?re grunden til, at Madkonceptets tapas er s? vellidt. Det er en god kombination af den spanske tapas og den portugiske friske, varierende og enkle k?kken.

Madkonceptet er en catering virkosmhede, der har eksisteret siden 2009. Virksomheden leverer diverse udbud af catering til de k?benhavnske borgere og virksomheder.Madkonceptet har haft den forn?jelse at tr?de ind bag kulisserne p? optagelsen af den nye danske film "Far til fire - Onkel Sofus vender tilbage". Virksomheden skulle levere catering til de h?rdtarbejdende skuespillere og folk bag kameraet, s? de fik et lille heldigt glimt af hvad os filmg?ngere kan vente os. "Som catering virksomhed kan du komme ud for lidt af hvert, n?r der ringes efter frokost eller andet catering. Vi ved aldrig hvem vores n?ste kunde er. Da vi fik gl?den af at skulle levere frokost til en dansk b?rnefilm, ville vi hellere end gerne v?re en del af det. Far til fire filmene er jo en del af dansk filmkultur!", fort?ller Camilla de Jesus, som er medejer af Madkonceptet. Madkonceptet er en catering virksomhed i K?benhavn, som har leveret catering siden 2009 til b?de virksomheder og privat personer. Virksomheden har forskellige catering tilbud, som sp?nder lige fra tapas catering, receptioner til 3-retters menuer. Madkonceptet er altid 110 % engageret i deres kunders ?nsker og behov, og der bruges altid gode r?varer fra ?rstiden, s? kvaliteten er i h?js?det. Madkonceptet st?r for 5 v?rdier, som de efterlever hver eneste dag: kvalitet, service, fleksibilitet, ?rlighed og kreativitet. Alt dette f?r du, n?r du modtager catering fra Madkonceptet og desuden til fornuftige priser.

John Morton is author of this website and writes articles since long time. For further details about tapas catering and catering please visit the website.
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Curb down on Sugar - The Alternatives (India Network)

Ok so we all know a Big Mac heads straight for the thighs, but less is said about that cheeky can of coke, a 'wholesome' cereal bar or even that bowl of 'slimming' cereal. Although excess fat leads to weight gain and obesity, sugar is proving to be just as big a player. And it's lurking pretty much in everything. Sugar has little nutritional value beyond providing energy, and there's a lot of energy in there - 400kcal per 100g. So when you're munching through a sugary snack, those calories easily build up without you necessarily feeling satisfied. In a mid-morning sitting a chocolate bar, can of pop and a bag of crisps can make up a pretty big chunk of your daily energy needs - and that's just a snack.
The FSA guidelines state no more than 10% of our energy intake should come from sugar. For your average person needing 2000 calories a day, this translates to no more than 50g sugar - just a Snickers and a bowl of Frosties add up to that. And therein lies the shocker - 75% of our intake comes from the pre-prepared foods we buy. So how do we cut down? The simple answer is avoiding processed foods, but there are also a good few things you can use to replace sugar without going cold turkey on sweetness. Replace your white or brown sugar with an unrefined, dehydrated sugar, like Sucanat or Rapadura.
Yes, it's still sugar but that one change still makes a difference by somewhat reducing the dramatic blood sugar effect, giving your body at least a few nutrients in the process, and avoiding the high temperature and chemical process used to create regular sugar. Food and drinks that have a lot of added sugars contain calories, but often have few other nutrients. To eat a healthy, balanced diet, we should eat these types of foods only occasionally, and get the majority of our calories from other kinds of foods such as starchy foods and fruits and vegetables. Learn more in a balanced diet. Here are some alternatives to curb on sugar in your diet.

Seen as the more natural choice for sweetening, honey's actually just as calorific as sugar. However, it tastes much sweeter, and its distinctive flavour and weight mean you'll probably use a little less. It's also less processed than sugar and contains compounds thought to act as antioxidants. Hindus believe it's one of the elixirs of immortality.

This sugar alcohol is practically a guilt-free sweet solution. (And the FDA says it's safe!) At 0.2 calories per gram, the white powder from a plant occurs naturally in many fruits. Plus, it doesn't lead to tooth decay and other not-so-sweet effects of sugar consumption. It's not quite as sweet as natural sugar, so try it in chocolate baked goods like brownies.

This herb, originally from South America, is extremely sweet by nature but without any calories or sugar-like effects on the body, and you can use as little as a couple drops to sweeten a mug of tea or a few teaspoons in a dessert. It does have a somewhat bitter aftertaste, depending on the type you use. Unrefined foods are always best, and you can buy Stevia as a simple dried powder. Personally, we use this sometimes, but my husband only likes a particular brand of Stevia with absolutely no aftertaste (NuNaturals liquid). It is refined, but it works for us.

It was said by a wise man, eat healthy, stay healthy. You can find more tips to be healthy on the India Food Network. India Food Network also provides many delicious recipes to make cooking a fun and frolic habit.

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The Wonders Of Online Grocery Stores (rajiv tiwari)

The uses of the internet are plenty in today's time and age. It has evolved from just emails and the occasional gaming to an endless array of offerings. You can shop online for almost everything these days - books, clothes, electronics, cosmetics, accessories, furniture, the list is endless.

One of the latest developments of internet shopping are the online grocery stores. You can buy all kinds of food items in an online supermarket without worrying about its quality. If you're no longer a minor and are willing to make a fancy recipe for dinner, all you have to do is log on to any of the online grocery stores and buy all the ingredients you need.

There are a lot of ways to use an online supermarket. You don't have to go through endless lists of products to finally find the ones that you require. Online grocery stores nowadays categorise their items in a lot of ways to suit the customer's needs. You can buy the products you need according to the food category it falls under, such as oils, confectionaries, bakery, pastas, cheese, etc. This way, if you're looking for a variety under a category or are unsure about which brand to buy, you can take your own time to pick and choose. Or another way of categorising is through recipes. Online grocery stores now have some popular recipes which you can use to shop. So, for example, if you wish to cook Spaghetti Bolognese, all the ingredients you require for it can be bought directly from the recipe link on the online supermarket website itself.

Another great benefit of online grocery stores is the gifting options you now have. An online supermarket now even has ways to choose the best food gift to give somebody based on the occasion, price range, food type, etc. You can gift your friend a delicious hamper or buy them a bottle of excellent wine just by using the services on online grocery stores. An online supermarket can make your life much easier and your recipes much more delicious because you no longer have to compromise on gourmet ingredients if you're not able to leave your home. You can view the product of your choice, often even read reviews about it, before buying it from an online supermarket.

Even payment options are more convenient now. You can either use your debit or credit card, or even opt for netbanking to pay for the ingredients you buy from online grocery stores. Delivered right to your doorstep, all you have to concentrate on is making sure your recipe is as delicious as possible. Cook all your favourite dishes by using an online supermarket. Why travel all over the city to find the one ingredient that you just can't seem to find? Log on to the internet, find your favourite online supermarket and buy the product you need without any hassles.

Online grocery stores are one of the yummiest elements of internet shopping. Use it to the fullest and avoid the stress of visiting all your neighbourhood supermarkets to shop for a few items every time.

Rajiv Tiwari is an out and out gourmet whose love for food has made him travel to all top food destinations. In this bouquet of articles Rajiv discusses some the online grocery stores, online supermarket and online food buying experiences.
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Imprinted Paper Cups (smart business)

Imprinted paper cups have become common and are being used for both commercial as well as domestic purposes. Imprinted paper cups are also great source of decorations on office tables, at cafeterias, in houses and around.

Ever wonder how much effort goes into printing on paper cups. Machines such as Comexi are used for printing flexographic, which have been adapted to take the extra large reels that are required by paper cup manufacturers. Flexographic printing uses flexography plates for printing. Apart from flexography another popular printing technique used by manufacturers to produce imprinted paper cups is lithographic printing. Lithography, also called as offset printing is a technique which utilizes metal plate with a smooth surface for printing. Lithography originally used an image applied with oil/fat/wax to the surface of plate which can later be imprinted on desired target; however in modern lithography the image to be printed is made out of polymer coating applied on a flexible aluminum sheet.

Different type of images can be imprinted on paper cups. Halftone and grayscale images print a bit coarser than the original art. Choice of what to print also depends on our needs; if you have a business then these prints will be a great source of advertisements. Parties, gifts, special occasions, messages as covers might be the basis for your design.

Top quality printed custom printed paper cups are printed with inks that must evaporate to dry. The inks are dry, but there may be a residual odor in the package due to the vapors.

Quality printed paper cups are coated inside for use with either Hot or Cold beverages. Environmental and fire safety issues make these new versions of an old Idea worth looking into. Paper cups, however, are not recommended for alcoholic beverages.

Varieties of imprinted paper cups can be a single Wall and double Wall Paper Cups. These cups are available in sizes 8oz, 12oz, 16oz, and 20oz. another great way of imprinting paper cups are foil stamping and cup embossing. To make a cup more attractive and beautiful you can have cup clutches, cup lids and cup sleeves customized.

Imprinted paper cups have emerged as a great business idea. If you are unable to find one in your neighborhood just look around in the internet. Most vendors have their business websites and you can approach them over there. However some vendors might have their own terms and condition like minimum quantity must be ordered, discounts on bulk orders, shipping charges (free or paid), cost might vary based on complexity of the design and so on. Some vendors also allows you to design your stuff by incorporating proper software tools in their websites and many other will assist you if you are looking forward to start your own line of products.

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Mineral Water Has More Benefits Than We Realise (rajiv tiwari)

People don't realise the benefits that water has on our lives. Mineral water is a much healthier option as compared to distilled water and can drastically effect the way our body works.

Finding mineral water has become considerably very easy as several companies now provide customers with that option. With it becoming increasingly unsafe to drink anything other than bottled water, we know that there are certain risks that we just can't take. Even some restaurants and hotels don't offer safe drinking options and, to be on the safer side, we should always try to buy a bottle in every place. Taking risks with the quality of water is absolutely unnecessary and can help us avoid a host of illnesses and sicknesses later.

Mineral water has proved to be very good for the digestive system. It helps our metabolism and allows us to digest our food in the healthiest way. It also provides our body with wholesome nutritional value, helping rid any deficiencies we might have. Mineral water is something that can't be compromised on if we want our body to get the best possible treatment. The distilled variant is something that in fact has adverse effects on our system. Always keep in mind, when there's a choice between mineral and distilled water, the option is obvious.

Lots of supermarkets and online stores now deliver mineral water to our home. Drinking out of the tap is no longer an option and ordering water from a shop is something very convenient now. There are a lot of online supermarkets that don't even need us to pick up the phone. Just a few clicks of the mouse and you can always select the kind of water you want delivered to your home. Now boredom and laziness is no longer an excuse we can use to avoid ordering mineral water home. We can have the brand of water of our choice sent to the house without having to wait at all!

Water can be had in a lot of ways. Whether we want to drink it plain, make some lemonade or enjoy it with some alcohol, water just never gets boring. When we're feeling tired and dehydrated, nothing quenches our thirst like a few gulps of water gushing down our throat. A tiring bout of exercise or a walk on a hot, sunny day, water is the first thing we always need to turn to. Remember that no matter what you do, dehydration is something that should just not set in. Always keep your body hydrated to make sure that you feel fresh and healthy.

Mineral water and its benefits are often ignored by the masses. Having a few bottles of water in the day can help your body get rid of a lot of the impurities and toxins. Mineral water helps flush out everything that's unwanted and keeps your body clean. Buy mineral water no matter where you go - it isn't something you should compromise on at any point of time.

Rajiv Tiwari is an out and out gourmet whose love for food has made him travel to all top food destinations. In this bouquet of articles Rajiv discusses some tips and online food buying experiences. Mineral water, ordering mineral water
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Adding a Little Crunch to Your Brunch with Egg Muffins (John Wm. Macy's CheeseSticks)

The summer is the perfect time to have a brunch party. It is earlier in the day so the heat will not be unbearable and easy finger foods are a great way to keep things light and simple. For your next brunch party try this delicious recipe for Egg Muffins. Egg muffins combined with Cheese Crisps is the perfect gourmet snack for an afternoon with friends and mimosas.

These delicious and easy finger foods take about 45 minutes to prepare and bake. Another great thing about them is that they are low in fat and calories, but high in protein. This recipe makes enough for about six muffins, but the recipe can be doubled to accommodate more guests.

4 Eggs
1/2 cup shredded cheese
1/4 cup Mushrooms
1/4 cup yellow peppers
1/4 cup onions
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup John Wm. Macy's Melting Romano CheeseCrips

1.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
2.Line a muffin tin with muffin cups and spray with olive oil.
3.In a separate bowl mix together eggs, cheese, mushrooms, yellow peppers, onions, salt and pepper.
4.Pour mixture to the halfway mark in the muffin cups.
5.Bake for 25 to 35 minutes.
6.Remove muffins from the oven. Wait to cool for about five minutes and sprinkle crushed cheese crisps on the top of each muffin.
7.Serve and enjoy!

The best thing about this easy finger food recipe is its ability to adapt to a variety of tastes and textures. To make this gourmet snack heartier try adding pieces of bacon or turkey sausage. You can also add a variety of spices such as garlic, red pepper flakes or basil. Anything that pairs nicely with eggs will go great in this simple finger food recipe.

Easy Party Food Recipe: Chickenless Buffalo Wings

As the summer months approach so does the need to find recipes that are lighter and healthier. For many people this means quick, easy appetizers with some modifications to their traditional recipes. One of our personal favorites is "Chickenless" Buffalo wings. This recipe is a great idea for a summer cookout and makes a wonderful and easy party food.

Tempeh, an Indonesian fermented soybean food that is low in fat and calories, is used to replace the chicken. It is more solid than Tofu and has a stronger texture, which gives off a more chicken like feel. This quick and easy appetizer takes only about 40 minutes to prepare and to cook. It is the perfect option for a lighter and unique alternative to mundane and easy party foods.

8 oz package of Tempeh
1/3 cup soy or skim milk
1/3 cup flour
1 tsp basil leaves
1 tsp paprika
1 clove garlic
Pepper to taste
1 cup crushed Romano Garlic CheeseSticks
Wing Sauce:
1/2 cup Buffalo wing sauce of choice
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon ketchup

1.Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a large pot, bring 4 cups of water to boil.
2.Cut tempeh into individual slices. If this is your first time eating tempeh, I would recommend cutting it into thin strips to reduce any texture issues. After the tempeh has been sliced, add to the boiling water and let cook for 15 minutes.
3.Set out three medium sized bowls. In the first bowl add the milk. In the second bowl add the flour, salt, basil, paprika, garlic, pepper and CheeseSticks. In the third bowl combine the Buffalo wing sauce, butter, and ketchup.
4.When the tempeh has been boiled, rinse in strainer with cold water. Then dip the cooked tempeh in the three bowls starting with the milk, followed by the dry mixture and ending with the wing sauce.
5.Place the tempeh on a greased baking pan and cook each side for 10 minutes.

This easy party food can be served in several ways. Chop the wings into individual chunks and serve it in a salad for a lighter appetizer. If you would like to serve this as a meal, simply pair the wings with lettuce, tomatoes, and a blue cheese sauce for great buffalo wraps. This easy party food recipe is sure to be a big hit in the summer months!

John Wm. Macy's CheeseSticks is a snack food company provides party snack food and recipes. We also provide gourmet snacks and baked snacks include crunchy and delicious flavors of CheeseSticks, Cheese Crisps and SweetSticks.
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The Perfect Party Snack Food: Crunch, Cheesy Potatoes (John Wm. Macy's CheeseSticks)

Planning your next dinner party and trying to decide on the perfect party snack food? We suggest that you try this easy recipe for Crunchy, cheesy potatoes. It is the perfect recipe for a family event or even an outdoor party! It can be served as a delicious cheese snack or accompany a main meal.

1 bag red new potatoes
6 strips of bacon
1 cup heavy cream
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp unsalted butter
1 1/2 cups grated white cheddar
Crushed garlic to taste
JWM Cheddar and Asiago CheeseCrisps

1. Lightly grease a 9X12 inch baking pan
2. Preheat oven to 400
3. Spread crushed garlic on bottom of pan
4. Peel potatoes, cut into thick chips and boil until tender
5. Cook bacon and save some of the fat
6. Mix bacon fat with cream, nutmeg, chives, and thyme
7. Crush CheeseCrisps
8. Layer potatoes in baking dish and sprinkle grated cheddar on top
9. Crumble bacon and CheeseCrisps on top
10. Pour cream mixture over
11. Cover with foil and bake 40 minutes, then uncover and bake 10-15 min more

This delicious party snack food will have guest wanting more. To make the dish a bit healthier, replace the bacon with turkey bacon. This dish is also delicious with our Smoked Jalapeno CheeseCrips, which will give it just the spice it needs.


Party Snack Foods Meet the Quick and Easy Fudge Recipe

When planning your next dinner party, don't forget to plan plenty of deserts! Many deserts take a considerable amount of time for preparation and decorating. That's why when I plan a dinner party; I stick to easy party food options, such as Fudge. This traditional gourmet snack/desert takes on a whole new taste and texture when combined with John Wm. Macy's SweetSticks. This desert takes about 15 minutes to make and can even be placed in the freezer to speed up the cooling process!


1 can sweetened condensed milk
4 tbs. unsalted butter
3 cups of chocolate chips
1 cup Madagascar Vanilla SweetSticks


In a small pot, melt the chocolate chips, butter and condensed milk on low heat. Continue to stir the mixture to avoid burning the chocolate.

In a gallon sized bag, crush 1 cup of SweetSticks

After the mixture has completely melted, place in a greased 9 X 13 pan. Arrange the crushed SweetSticks on Top and place in the refrigerator to cool.

This wonderful, gourmet snack is perfect for any party! The best thing about Fudge is that you can change the flavor in a variety of ways. You can add peanut butter, mint or melted white chocolate to completely change the texture and flavor! Make sure to make plenty though, because this delicious party snack food will be a favorite!


John Wm. Macy's CheeseSticks are one of the best party snack food companies. They provide the perfect crunch like Cheese Appetizers, Cheese Crisps, SweetSticks and other healthy snacks.
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Bits and Pieces of our Home.

Hello! :) Today I've got some tiny bits and pieces of my home for you. :) Since I often change details and add some new pops of color, our home - especially my room - is changing constantly and there's always something pretty to look at, but see yourself! :)
A part of my jewellery collection including earrings, bracelets, rings and brooches.
One of the cutest handmade gifts I ever got: Anja made me a clothes pin with a kissing Flo and Lu, awww! :*
Home sweet home. My craft corner seen from the mirror and a sweating Mogli, poor guy!
Eeeeks, how cute is this? Dalmatian washi tape! Of course I had to buy it!! :) And as you might probably know, I love colors and here's my tiny collection of colorful (vintage) summer scarves.
On my sewing table: ribbons and zippers.
My pretty new book case laying on my bed, c/o Frau Fadenschein, one of my current blog sponsors. She invited me to choose a book cover with my favorite kind of fabric and then she sent me this pretty customized one. :) Perfect to hide an ugly book cover (I'm currently reading an educational book with an orange cover and strange typography), makes it look so pretty! If you want a 'book friend' yourself, just check out her DaWanda Shop, I bet she'd be happy to sew your dream case. :)
A wall in Flo's room / the living room with the cutest video game poster ever.
On our kitchen cabinet, my vintage tea pots and etageres.

I love our colorful kitchen! The bunting and the pompoms are handmade and my favorite thing is the kitchen table I once painted turquoise.
Is your home so colorful, too? :) What are your favorite details at home?
Happy day!
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Frozen Yogurt Cups (smart business)

Yogurt or Yoghurt is around the globe used dairy product made by bacterial fermentation of the milk. Yogurt has been part of many cultures and is known to humans from nearly 5,400 years back. Yogurt is getting popularized as a dessert or snack because of its high nutrition values compared to counterparts such as ice cream. Yogurt is great source of energy. It has lot of proteins, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. It is better than milk and ice creams and helps those who are looking for a diet control and weight loss.

Yogurt cups are the biggest parts of disposable products used in froyo stores. The stores which purely deal in serving yogurt are termed as froyo stores. Apart from these stores exclusive yogurt bars and clubs are setup. CUPS, a yogurt club, at New York and New Jersey is has a total of 12 establishments. Therefore, to make a unique & good look yogurt cup is quite important. 100% compostable yogurt cups are also available in the market. Yogurt cups come in different sizes suitable from one serving to family pack. Some major sizes are 8oz, 12oz, 16oz, 20oz, 24oz and 30oz. offers two variants of yogurt paper cups; one regular yogurt paper cups and second, PLA yogurt paper cups. MyYogurtSupplies.Com is the largest wholesale paper frozen yogurt cups supplier. They also offer custom print on all sizes of the frozen yogurt cups.

Apart from frozen yogurt cups, frozen yogurt spoons are equally used and in-demand. Spoons for frozen yogurt are mostly made of plastic to give required strength, durability and elasticity in usage. These colorful spoons are available everywhere.

Yogurts have been gaining popularity as an alternative to ice creams and other desserts. Yogurt retail suppliers and wholesale suppliers can be found around the globe who provides quality and delicious yogurt with quality service.

YoCream International is a yogurt manufacturer as well as wholesale supplier based out in Portland, Oregon. YoCream is a pioneer and leading producer of frozen yogurt, desserts and beverages. The Company produces, markets and sells its signature frozen yogurt, tart frozen yogurt and frozen custard mixes under the YoCream brand.

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Cream Cheese Wonders And Its Delicious Uses (rajiv tiwari)

Cream cheese could have very easily been one of the seven deadly sins. With its absolutely yummy consistency and taste, there are a horde of recipes that you can make with cream cheese.

Now that one can even buy the cream cheese online, possibilities are endless. Using the internet to buy dairy products may seem unconventional, but technology has ensured that everything can be delivered to our own home. When we can call up our local grocer and ask him to deliver our daily groceries, why should we stop ourselves from ordering exotic things like cream cheese online? Cream cheese can be an ingredient that one can experiment with wholeheartedly. Once you find out the extent of recipes you can use cream cheese in, it will fast become one of your favourite cheese varieties.

Cream cheese can be used for the most glamorous of recipes as well as our day to day meals. You can even use cream cheese to spread on your toast for breakfast. Delicious with a glass of juice or a bowl of cereal, your breakfast will be light and sustain you till the next meal. Another cream cheese delicacy are cheese balls. Extremely easy to make and apt for any kind of occasion, cream cheese balls are something enjoyed by one and all.

When we talk about cream cheese, the one thing we can't forget is cheesecake. Cheesecake is often the most appreciated dessert of them all. From mango cheesecake to raspberry cheesecake, everyone can enjoy this sweet without any qualms. Besides just this dessert, cream cheese is used for a lot of other kinds of pastries as well. Often, people prefer to use cream cheese for their cake icings etc., as it adds a delicious flavour to the final result.

You don't have to worry about the weight effects that cream cheese is going to have on you either. Nowadays you can even order low-fat cream cheese online. With the kind of variety that's available, you can buy a different kind of cheese for every situation, meal and occasion. Remember that cooking with cream cheese is extremely easy. You can either put it in the microwave, if you want it softened, for around 15 seconds or just leave out around 45 minutes before you plan to cook with it. Either way, the cream cheese becomes considerably more pliable and is much easier to use.

Now, with gourmet stores and supermarket embracing the internet, it's much easier to order whatever you need for your recipe. When you buy cream cheese online you are assured that it's delivered to you in hardly any time, in the best quality and condition. You no longer have to worry about hunting down those hard to find ingredients or making do without them. Use online supermarkets to the fullest and benefit from the services they provide you. Whether you want to make a large cheesecake or a small amount of dip, you can order cream cheese online in whatever quantity you want. Enjoy the culinary pleasures that come with cream cheese, buy it online.

Rajiv Tiwari is an out and out gourmet whose love for food has made him travel to all top food destinations. In this bouquet of articles Rajiv discusses some cream cheese, cream cheese online and online food buying experiences.
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Cheese Recipes, Meat and Potatoes - What Does Dad Want This Father's Day? (Twistson Snacks)

Dads, we love them. And dads love food. That's what makes it easy to treat pop well on Father's Day. Whether they are particular in their tastes or wide-open consumers of all things culinary, there are so many meat and cheese recipes, dinners, even party food ideas that will make dad happier than having a TV, a recliner, and a remote in every room.

OK. Maybe that stereotype wasn't fair, but the point is it's the simple things that please fathers. So show your love for him with some delicious food. After all, they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Typically men appreciate rich, hearty food -you know - the meat and potatoes thing. But these days, health-conscious dads are changing up the menu. That doesn't mean you can't provide a tasty meal or snack on their special day that busts the diet or that leaves them craving something substantial. We say, find the middle ground.

If your dad is of the mindset that it truly is the thought that counts, then put some thought and effort into making some dishes dad will love. He may not be a fan of breakfast in bed, but a brunch menu might get his special day off to a good start.

If you don't have much time, or dad likes an early meal, serve something that can be made the day ahead. Try a recipe for hash brown casserole or one of those sausage, egg and cheese appetizer recipes

with a little something extra.

For the gourmet-minded dad, serve this Asparagus, Mushroom, and Gruyere Strudel. This is a treat wrapped in phyllo.

Does dad have more of a sweet tooth? Stack a few peanut butter and chocolate chip pancakes on his plate.

Dad's are our protectors when we are young, they work hard to provide what the family needs, and they teach us many things. Here are some nice quotes to share with your dad, or your children, this Father's Day.

- "My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me." Jim Valvano
- "It is a wise father that knows his own child." William Shakespeare
- "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." Theodore Hesburgh
- "How pleasant it is for a father to sit at his child's board. It is like an aged man reclining under the shadow of an oak which he had planted." Voltaire

So serve up your father's favorite breakfast or even a simple snack and give a little something back to dear ol' dad.


We are the best source on the web for delicious, entertaining easy party food and recipes ideas. Twists on Snacks are sponsored by John Wm. Macy's CheeseSticks. They're known for our award winning, twice-baked and hand rolled gourmet snacks.
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A Day in Berlin and Friends' Quality Time.

Berlin, my love, plus awesome quality time with a friend, that's a perfect combination! Two weekends ago, my dear friend Malin came to visit me for a long weekend. We have been knowing each other for seven years now (we had once become friends via the Internet when we got to know each other in the music forum of our favorite band - yeah to Internet friendships which become real!! :)), but we have never been living in the same city. So when we see each other, it's always only for a few days and then we always spent lots of time with sightseeing, walking around, taking photos, chatting and eating. :) This time, I showed her around some new places in Potsdam and one day was spent in Berlin.
Oh, I love this silhouette of Berlin!
Isn't Malin's tattoo the cutest? 
Super Mario, my hero!! ;)
On the last day, while walking around a part of Potsdam I hadn't completely explored yet, we came across a huge trampoline and were having a blast! :)
Eeeeks! :)

Are you also having some close friends you once met on the Internet? :)
Happy day!
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Celebrate Your Happiness With Pure Vegetarian India Food (Seema Singhal)

Have you ever wondered what food is and why we consume it? Most of us would hardly have ever thought of this. The reason of this ignorance may be related to our hunger, because right from the time of formation of a child in the womb of its mother remains busy in satiating its hunger. And even after its birth it keeps itself occupied with sucking its mother's breasts. Things remain same when it grows young then old and till it completes its life span. We get so involved in our daily chores and responsibilities that we forget what we are doing and what will be the end result.

To keep the Jones in order to flaunt that you are no less than anyone, we keep on chasing materialist possessions. We put ourselves into it like a spoke attached to a wheel. It continuously moves round and round and round but all his efforts remain fruit-less. This wheel can be regarded as a vicious circle which has no starting or ending point. And in this helter-skelter we forget what we are eating and what we should eat. Owing to this today we see a number of disease people are suffering with.

To keep yourself fit for a lifetime, you have to follow a proper vegetarian food, for vegetarian food is the only way to ward off disease and remain safe and sound. Vegetarian food contains all the nutrients, vitamins; minerals, calcium, and protein etc. that help your body grow tall and healthy.

Sources of Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, and Nutrients for leading a healthy lifestyle:

Turnip, Taro, Swiss chard, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Spinach, Rapini, Radish, Pumpkin, Potatoes, Peas, Ladyfinger, Mushroom, Lima Beans, Green Pepper (Capsicum), French beans, Eggplant, Radish, Cucumber, Corn, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Beetroot, Soybean Sprouts, Lentil Sprouts, Grape Leaves, Turnip Greens, Oyster Mushrooms, Parsley and Amaranth leaves etc.

All the above vegetables contain varieties of goodness in them including vitamins, minerals, protein, and nutrients etc. Some wise men say 'you become what you eat'. Thus, if you eat a pure food that consists of vegetables, you attain calmness. And it is because of this vegetarian food that helps you connect with your soul. Although it may sound vague and confusing, yet it is true that a vegetarian can go nearer to the divinity from his continuous endeavors of taking only pure food. So, try this pious food and make it a habit to eat only a vegetarian food.

if you don't know how to cook vegetarian food, there's no worry as you can order it from one of the pure vegetarian restaurants near you. These restaurants offer you with tasty and enriched food dishes. And if you are finding it hard to know where you can get these exclusive vegetarian dishes, you simply call us to get the contact details of some of the best restaurants in NCR. These restaurants offer you with the mouth-watering and lip-smacking pure vegetarian Indian food.

The writer of this article is a food lover, he often with visits different food joints Indian Pure Vegetarian Restaurants to explore the varieties of vegetarian food. And apart from that he also loves to share his experience with internet users.
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Holder jeres frokostleverand�r sommerferie? (John Mortan)

Mangler I en frokostordning i uge 29 til 32? Hver sommer kommer de fleste virksomheder til at m?rke, at der holdes ferie over det ganske land. Derfor vil der v?re en del virksomheder, der ikke f?r leveret frokostordning, som de plejer. Madkonceptet vil g?re op med dette og har valgt at holde ?bent hele sommerferien. S? har din virksomhed brug for en frokostordning, s? er det med at kontakte Madkonceptet.

Madkonceptet er en catering virksomhed beliggende p? ?sterbro i indre K?benhavn. Virksomheden har eksisteret siden 2009 og levere frokostordninger og catering til virksomheder og privat personer. Madkonceptet kan tilbyde 3 forskellige frokostordninger. I hver af frokostordningerne er der b?de varme og kolde retter, flere salater, tapas anretning og l?kker hjemmelavet rugbr?d og br?d. En gang om ugen serveres der en fiskeret. Der er derfor lidt til en hver smag! Hver torsdag serveres, der kage til eftermiddags kaffen, som kan v?re alt fra en guler?dskage til gammeldags ?blekage.

Dog vil Andr? gerne forsvare Portugal overfor "storebroderen" Spanien. "Det kan godt v?re at Spanien er verdenskendt for sin tapas og paella, mens de f?rreste kan n?vne karakteristiske portugisiske madretter, men if?lge GoLisbon vil selv spaniere indr?mme at maden i Portugal er bedre. Portugals k?kken er is?r karakteriseret ved friskhed, variation og enkelthed", fort?ller Andr?. Dette kan v?re grunden til, at Madkonceptets tapas er s? vellidt. Det er en god kombination af den spanske tapas og den portugiske friske, varierende og enkle k?kken.

Madkonceptet er en catering virkosmhede, der har eksisteret siden 2009. Virksomheden leverer diverse udbud af catering til de k?benhavnske borgere og virksomheder.Det kan v?re fordi Andr? Hansen, ejer af Madkonceptet, har haft en finger med i madlavningen. Han er nemlig halv portugiser og har det sydlandske k?kken i sit blod - og med Spanien, som nabo, kan Andr? n?sten ikke undg? at blive inspireret af den spanske tapas.

Bon appetit!

John Morton is author of this website and writes articles since long time. For further details about Frokostordninger and frokostordning please visit the website.
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New on my Blog: Photo Archive Overview for my Most Popular Blog Categories.

Here's something new on my blog which needed quite a lot of time and patience to be completed: my three most popular (and for me really important) blog categories are DIY, outfits and recipes. Because I always find it quite annoying on other blogs when I'm new to them or looking for specific content to browse chronologically through all entries and rather like seeing everything at once in order to then click only on what I'm interested in, I decided to make photo archives for those three categories which make a quick overview quite easy. :)
So this is new: when you click on DIY, outfits or recipes on top of my blog page just below the header, you now aren't directed to all full entries which are chronologically listed after each other, but instead, there's a photo overview of all posts related to that topic, newest post on top. You simply need to click on the photo which catches your attention in order to be directed to the specific blog post, yeah!
This took my a few weeks, because I have already been blogging for more than four years now and there's lots of content which had to be put into those pages and lots of html-codes had to be changed. Puh, that's done and I'm really happy about that, because this makes my blog even more accessible. :)
So when clicking onto the DIY section on top, there's an overview of all my past DIY projects.
When clicking on the outfit section, you're gonna see photos of all my past fashion blog posts and you simply have to click into the photo to get to the full blog article, yay! :)
Last but not least, I made access to recipes more easy, because there now is a pretty overview with all my past recipes for sweet things, savory food, drinks, shakes and even food tables. :)

So have fun browsing my archives and finding pretty and useful things! :)
I hope you like the blog update!
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Omelette recipe that will help you burn fat (Jim Doyle)

There are individuals who will wake up very early in the morning simply because they yearn for the breakfast meal that they always love. Omelette is the people's favourite as most individuals would choose this meal due to its sweetness. Well, this article features another different aspect of this meal that will interest you. If you have plans to lose weight, then you ought to consider trying out omelette that is ideal for those who want to cut down fat.

The ingredients required to prepare omelette entail eggs and veggies depending on your personal taste. This implies that the eggs will boost the fat burning process in the body. To top this, you will be getting full unlike other breakfast meals that will require you to eat a lot without having any nutritional benefits. The best thing about omelette that is specifically prepared to help you cut fat is that it can be prepared with anything. If you are a fan of tuna then this is your opportunity to try things out during your breakfast. You will serve your breakfast in minutes.

Probably you are wondering of the ideal eggs that you should use in the preparation of this type of omelette. It is recommended that you stick to whole eggs. Why is this essential? According to health experts, the whole eggs are the best when it comes to providing your body with amino acids. Thus, the protein content in the eggs will be broken down with ease.

Ingredients required

The ingredients to use might vary depending on your taste and the number of people that you plan to serve. However, the main ingredients that you will require include: onion (white), tomatoes, pepper (red) and any organic vegetable that you prefer. For tips on other ingredients that you can add to your recipe you should research over the internet.
Alternatively, it is prudent to try things out at different times. You may never know when you will prepare something worth appreciating until you try it.


The preparation is very easy and would not take much of your time. First, chop the vegetables, onions, tomatoes etc. that you have. The next thing to do is to crush the eggs in a bowl and mix thoroughly. Add salt and pepper to the mixture of your eggs and continue stirring until the salt dissolves completely.

Cooking process

In this step you should heat your pan before placing the vegetable mixture in it. In the process of doing this, it is recommended that you add some oil. This will help in making the onions and tomatoes to be softer. After heating this mixture for some minutes, you should pour the egg mixture in the pan. Ensure that the heat you use in this step is low. This helps prevent your omelette from overcooking.

Lastly, the process is as simple as it sounds. In order to cook your omelette (do you know that the Danish cooks use the term ?ggekage) evenly, you should move the pan over the heat slowly. For more interesting recipes, you can follow this link.
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Cookie Christmas Gifts Are Excellent in Decorated Gift Baskets (Jade Willsmith)

Cookie Christmas presents can definitely be home made in order to produce a divine cookie gift basket. Cookie Christmas Gifts are available in shapes, costs and sizes. Connoisseur gift basket cookies are relatively cheap also as a pleasure to take delivery of. Nonetheless for anyone who's feeling the pinch this Xmas doesn't allow the very idea of no having the capability to have the money for to purchase gifts bring you down. Try to get your own Cookie Christmas Gifts and friends and family and relations probably will admire the idea besides the moment which you devote.

You need to pick a holder (These bins are certainly not as expensive as you may presume to shop for. I purchased a lovely one using a handle for my mother-in -law's fruit basket last week. It cost less-than $ 5) you could decorate a box to maintain your Biscuit Christmas Gift if you choose.

First you'll need to have the crucial ingredients together. It is possible to actually divide all the ingredient parts by 3 and only prepare around 24 cookies if 72 cookies are far too many for your needs then.

Cookie Christmas Gifts - Christmas Cheer Biscuits
72 1 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cup brown sugars
3 eggs
3 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 pound dates, chopped
1 pound walnuts, chopped
1/2 pound golden raisins
1/2 cup whisky
1 (10 ounce) jar maraschino cherries, drained and cut in halves

Preheat oven to 350 F. Cream the butter and sugar together, this does need to be mild and comfortable. Add the three eggs in to the mix. Beat until every one of the components are combined together. Add the flour as well as the soda then mix in the raisins, walnuts, dates and whiskey.

The mixture should be inflexible by today. Decrease the combination using a teaspoon on to an ungreased cookie sheet. Best every one with one with cherry halves. Cover the base of the cookie Christmas basket or box with tissues or kitchen roll. Of course, this does not just offer a nice foundation to put your biscuit Christmas gifts on however it may also load any spaces. A piece for your cookie Christmas gift can found fairly promptly and inexpensively by exploring around the stores or maybe you could even have something appropriate within your house. Not long ago I used decorative candles in the type of a snowman and Santa which were incredibly successful and expense almost no.

Position the gift cookies either is cellophane bags or shield with cling film. Create your gift cookies within a prepared basket in addition to your center piece. Contain a gift tag together with a pretty ribbon bow and also the cookie Christmas gift is ready for delivery.
There are actually plenty where to choose free of charge by going online and also intelligent tips for decorating snacks and making baskets, if you want a less expensive cookie recipe. Digital books featuring numerous cookie recipes are also affordable.
Should your fortune get better previous to Christmas and also you believe that you need to purchase gift baskets - biscuits or otherwise you'll find yourself spoilt for pick. Quite often cookie Christmas presents are associated with desserts and mini treats and ordered in individual appealing boxes to create a tower; this can only be explained as a feast! This type of biscuit Christmas gift does make a fantastic corporate gift as there is definitely plenty enough to share.

Cookies are known for being a thing of joy for ever. It is but natural that it has just the right merits to suit a lovely occasion like marriage. Wedding Cookies have a perfect blend of taste and flavour and the element of fun that is eternally associated with romantic fortunes make it a perfect treat for the guests and augment the delight of the occasion. Fun is associated with decorated cookies in every step right from making or procuring it to eating. Visiting can help in making more delicious recipes.
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Amazing Soup and Sandwiches Combo Recipes (India Network)

Soups are often regarded as one of the most soothing and healthy dinner options. There is also an old saying "Troubles are easier to take with soup than without it". It's one of the oldest types of food. Every culture in the world has some kind of soup. It's a comfort food for just about everyone." Soup offers plenty of fringe benefits, too. There are lots of benefits of different soups. Traditionally, soups are classified into two main groups: clear soups and thick soups. The established French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consomm?. Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used: pur?es are vegetable soups thickened with starch; bisques are made from pur?ed shellfish or vegetables thickened with cream; cream soups may be thickened with b?chamel sauce; and velout?s are thickened with eggs, butter, and cream.

Other ingredients commonly used to thicken soups and broths include egg, rice, lentils, flour, and grains; many popular soups also include carrots and potatoes. Soups serve as a perfect combination along with different types of sandwiches. One must try this amazing combination that would definitely tickle your taste buds. Sandwiches are a widely popular type of lunch food, typically taken to work, school, or picnics to be eaten as part of a packed lunch. The bread can be used as it is, or it can be coated with any condiments to enhance flavour and texture. They are also widely sold in restaurants and cafes, served hot or cold. Let us discuss a Soup and sandwich combo recipes.

Goat Cheese, Pear, and Pecan Sandwich

PREP TIME: 10 min
TOTAL TIME: 10 min
SERVINGS: 4 (1/2 sandwich)

2 oz herbed goat cheese (about 1/4 c), at room temperature
4 large slices whole grain bread, toasted and halved diagonally
1 red Bartlett pear, sliced
2 Tbsp pecans, toasted and chopped
1/4 c watercress sprigs
2 Tbsp honey

1. SPREAD cheese onto 4 half slices of bread. Top with pear, pecans, and watercress. Drizzle with honey.

2. TOP with remaining bread halves and serve.

NUTRITION (per serving) 227 cal, 9 g pro, 34 g carb, 5 g fiber, 7 g fat, 2.5 g sat fat, 228 mg sodium

Roasted Vegetable Soup

PREP TIME: 35 min
TOTAL TIME: 1 hr 30 min

2 lb carrots, peeled
1/2 lb parsnips, peeled
1/2 lb turnips, peeled
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 Tbsp chopped fresh thyme
4 c low-sodium chicken broth

1. CUT carrots, parsnips, and turnips into 3" x 1/2" sticks. Toss with 1 Tbsp oil on baking sheet. Bake in 450?F oven, stirring occasionally, 40 minutes.

2. HEAT 2 Tbsp oil in pot over medium heat. Add onion and thyme. Cook 4 minutes. Add roasted vegetables, broth, and 2 cups water. Simmer 15 minutes.

3. PUREE in blender (in batches). Salt and seasoning according to taste.

NUTRITION (per 1 1/3-cup serving) 168 cal, 4 g pro, 24 g carb, 6 g fiber, 7 g fat, 1 g sat fat, 167 mg sodium.
There are many internet websites and portals that provide many delicious recipes. India Food Network provides a wide range of recipes across vegetarian and non vegetarian segments. India Food Network also provides various kitchen tips & nutrition tips.

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